Sunday, October 17, 2010

Prompt 16, 17, & 18

#16- “I believe in the imagination. What I cannot see is infinitely more important than what I can see.” Duane Michals
I'm not sure if I would link this with photography.  Unless he is talking about something that you don't notice at first, until you see a photograph of it, whether it is physical, emotional, mental, etc. Sometimes something that you can imagine, is not something you could actually take a picture of, but I think that you can make photographs IN your imagination, we are able to see anything in our minds, possible or impossible.

#17- “Photography can only represent the present. Once photographed, the subject becomes part of the past.” Berenice Abbott 
I really like this quote, and completely agree.  When someone takes a photograph, that moment in time can never be repeated.  People can recreate the situation, or recreate the photograph, but then it's fake.  The subject or place might continue to exist, but it will change. It can only be exactly the way it is in the present.

#18- “Landscape photography is the supreme test of the photographer—and often the supreme disappointment.” ~Ansel Adams
I'm not a huge fan of landscape photography, because sometimes I look at photographs of landscapes and think, anyone could take that. Maybe that's why he says it's the supreme test, to take a photograph of a landscape, and see how you can make it better or different that someone else would.  Looking for specific details to capture, waiting for the perfect lighting or time of year, etc.  I could definitely understand being disappointed after taking a picture of a landscape, and not seeing anything different than they'd seen before.

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